Thursday, October 23, 2008

So...about the chickens...

There is no chicken coop yet. Because...the Peddler has been very busy working on other peoples houses. You know, the plumbers house has no plumbing kind of thing. But, he has promised and I know he will deliver. It's just been a crazy couple of weeks. Family, taking care of DAM, you know!


Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Yea!! Now you have your own Peeps!! Good luck with them..laundry baskets make great homes for them at this size :)

Lindsey said...

Can't wait to see when everything is up and running. It has been a crazy couple of weeks hasn't it! Hope you are doing well with the DAM, good thing you will have cute chicks to run away too!

Judy said...

Do you have the peeps already? Guard them carefully! They are so darn cute as chicks. I will make an appointment to come see them!

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Cool!! So how many chicks did you end up getting? Curious to hear if any turn out to be roosters!! Just what you need around there to wake you up every morning! I'm sure Samantha would LOVE to come see them some day!! All creatures, great and small, you know! She loves them all!

carlene federer said...

SO mean of you to tease with pix of fluffy chix! Now that you're a chicken mother, you need someone to help with DAM!!!

Arcadia Living said...

What kind of chicks did you get? I hope you got one of the cute spotted ones. I'm jealous - I want chickens. But of course I would like the "poopless" kind :)