One Of Our Favorite PlacesThis is for you Judy B. You love antiquing in Cambria and we love Moonstone Beach!
We were on our way back down from San Simeon. Believe it or not there is a really nice Motel 6 there right across the highway from the beach. The back of the motel backs up to Hearst Castle land. Got to see all of the Zebras that are still there. Too far away for a picture but there were lots of them.

This quite possibly could be our favorite beach spot ever.

And this is where we go every time we are here, which isn't often enough. It's been at least 10 years. We were happy to see them still in business.

The view from the outdoor patio.

Hmmm, I wonder who these are for?

Calimari and Steamers anyone? The steamers were mouthwatering!

Buck finally got to play on the beach!

Proof that I am really here!