So, The Peddler and I have been in charge of this guy...
while his mother is on a sister/sister bonding trip all the way from South Carolina. I will admit that I was freaked out. What was I going to do with an 8 year old boy? What do they eat (especially Tucker), what do they do, how do you control them? O.K. got the picture...I freaked. I spent the week before Jennifer left asking questions. And then I found out...he's a kid, a very well behaved kid. Sure he has his mischievous times, but all in all a great kid.
He helped The Peddler mow his lawn today. As in Tuckers backyard and front yard. Not our yard.

He pushed, and he sweated. After all it was 100 degrees and humid for us Arizona people.

And eventually, this little boy got the job done. Tomorrow is another big jog. Tucker starts 3rd grade. And, The Peddler and I are taking him to school, taking pictures, packing a lunch, and hoping for the best!...and...we're loving it!