Collage Camp has begun at Casa Johnson!
Here's all of my coffee stained fabric hanging on the fence. I wonder what the neighbors think? Who cares...I'm creating!

Trims, laces, and upholstery fabric.

This is my favorite piece. I think it's called a dickie. It's like a lace inset. I have had this for years and knew that someday I would find the perfect thing to do with this. Can't you just see it on a cowgirl collage? Minus the white buttons of course!

I can't wait to get started! Of course Buck helped me out with the Birds Nest paper. I think he was watching the video where K C Willis says she lets her dog play with her fabric to give it the more "vintage" look. Well, he found my paper and it's sufficiently distressed and already torn into smaller pieces for me to use.