Meet Buck...
The newest member of Casa Johnson. We got him from a foster home this morning. He's a Queensland Heeler/Australian Shepard mix. Isn't he cute?

Look at that curly tail. Not quite sure where that came from.

Check out that stance!

Oops, already chewing. Need to stop that.

Our household will be short one person here in the next few days. We have decided that DAM needs to go to Assisted Living. Hospice is working the details out with Christine's Place which is only 1/2 mile from us. This will allow us to get our lives back to normal, what ever that is. And, now we can have a puppy that DAM can't spoil rotten and we don't have to worry about her tripping over him. It's all for the best and we both feel very good about it as does Hospice. So, here's to a new life and a new puppy! Welcome to your forever home Buck!